A fume extraction hose is usually fitted to a piece of equipment that produces toxic fumes. It is very common to see these hoses in garages, service centers, and various
Know Why the Type of Exhaust Hose Matters
Vehicle exhaust fumes are dangerous, even at low concentrations. That is why garages and service centers typically remove the vehicle fumes through an exhaust hose attached to the exhaust pipe.
Vehicle Exhaust Removal Systems: A Solution to Health Hazards Associated with Automobile Industry
Operators in the automobile industry are certainly exposed to harmful vehicle exhaust fumes. Toxic exhaust fumes of CO, CO2, and NOx are produced during vehicle repair and maintenance in garages
Factors to Consider While Selecting Tailpipe Adapters for Your Garage Exhaust Application
Tailpipe adapters are used to attach garage exhaust hoses to a vehicle’s tailpipe. They help garage owners and other automotive facilities get rid of exhaust gases safely. They are made